Introduction (otherwise known as: my attempt at making you think I'm interesting so you go read my other articles)
When I was a kid, I hated musicals. I thought they were corny, overzealous and profusely glorified interpretations of life. No one bursts into song and dance on a daily basis, or even on special occasions. No one wears jazz shoes to work or has a shining spotlight following them wherever they go. I was a pretty cynical ten year old, as I’m sure you can surmise. However, somewhere in my teenage angst, I realized that no piece of art has to be a real reflection of the dullness that life sometimes embodies - art can be an escape from suburban hell where everyday is the same, and take you on adventures of glittery costumes and cascading confetti and sparkling lights. I also learned that so many musicals do capture the hardships of life, and some of them tell heart wrenching tales that far surpass my own trials in my young life. A lot of them don’t even have tap dancing or kicklines! (Sidenote: I LOVE tap dancing and kicklines now.) To put it simply, I realized in high school my first...